Assessment of Macro and Microstructure of Welded Joints Made of Steel P265GH Using Various Combinations of Welding Consumables
Marcelina Kasińska, Tomasz Piwowarczyk, Wiesław Derlukiewicz, Piotr Fijołek
The article presents the assessment of the macro and microstructure of welded joints made in steel P265GH using various combinations of filler metal wires and shielding gases. In addition to microstructural analysis, tests involved hardness measurements of all of the joint zones, i.e. the weld, HAZ and the base material. In addition, each specimen (i.e. the weld and the base material) was subjected to the analysis of chemical composition. The performed analysis made it possible to determine the degree of morphological conformity of welding consumables with steel P265GH.
doi: 10.17729/ebis.2018.4/3
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