DIN 2304: Quality Requirements for Adhesive Bonding Processes
Todays adhesives are high quality products. Their proper use normally leads to a zero--defect-production. If bonding failures nevertheless occur, more than 90% these failures result from failures in the adhesive bonding process and do not result from failures of the adhesive. Precisely in this contradiction (high quality adhesives for a zero-defect-production vs. adhesive bonding failures) DIN 2304 starts to take effect: DIN 2304 implements quality standards for the proper use of adhesives. The standard determines the current state of the art for the organization of a proper realization of adhesive bonding processes in the user-company. Therefore, the quality of the adhesive bonding process will be adapted to the quality of the adhesive production process. In this context. DIN 2304 concerns every adhesively bonded material compound with the main function of transferring mechanical loads, independent from the strength and deformability characteristics as well as the solidification mechanism of the used adhesive. Due to the fact that the OEM Working Group Automotive has decided to implement the standard into their productions, DIN 2304 may rapidly become global - for the automotive producers as well as for their suppliers.
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