MMA Repair Welding of Nodular Cast Iron GJS 350-22
The article presents results of the MMA repair welding of nodular cast iron GJS 350-22. Casting defects were simulated mechanically (through milling), whereas repair welding was performed using selected filler metals (low-carbon filler metal, austenitic filler metal, Monel alloy and nickel alloy) and the manual metal arc welding method (MMAW). Test welds were subjected to visual, penetrant, macro and microscopic tests as well as hardness measurements and were compared in terms of the colour with that of the base material. The tests made it possible to identify the effect of the repair welding process on structural changes in the HAZ area and the susceptibility to crack generation both in the HAZ and in the weld. The tests also enabled the determination of structures of repair welds and their usability when repairing iron casts. The hardness measurements confirmed effects related to structural changes triggered by repair welding in the HAZ and in the weld. In turn, the comparative tests concerning the colour of the weld and that of the repaired cast iron enabled the selection of a filler metal satisfying the above-named criterion. The tests revealed that the highest properties of the repair weld in terms of structural changes were obtained using nickel-based filler metals.
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