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Microwave-Assisted Preparation of sinter samples for chemical composition analysis by IPC-OES technique

Piotr Knapik, Aleksandra Latacz, Michał Kubecki

The article discusses tests aimed to develop a method enabling the preparation of iron ore sinters applying microwave-assisted mineralisation and subsequently used in the ICP-OES technique-based chemical composition analysis. The tests involved the use of various mineralising mixtures, one of which was selected to prepare specimens of sinters used in the ICP-OES technique-based chemical composition analysis. The repeatability of the microwave-assisted mineralisation of sinters was investigated through the repeated mineralisation of the same sinter specimen performed under the same conditions. The test results revealed that the microwave-assisted mineralisation technique could be used routinely in ICP-OES technique-based sinter analytics. The preparation of the sinters performed using the above-named technique was less laborious and involved the use of small amounts of chemical reagents.

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