Performing of ultrasonic inspection using TOFD technique in terms of the requirements of related standards
The article concerns the time of flight diffraction testing technique (TOFD), which is, next to the simultaneous TOFD + Phased Array testing, one of the most effective methods of volumetric non-destructive tests. The article discusses the advantages of the TOFD technique as well as the basis of diffraction phenomenon and the formation of imaging signals. In addition, the article presents a TOFD image of a welded joint and describes its characteristic elements. Also, the article discusses the TOFD-related testing standards and analyses their requirements related to welded joints and their acceptance criterion, i.e. the quality level according to PN-EN ISO 5817. The target readers of the article include NDT personnel, inspectors, welding engineers and welding equipment manufacturers wishing to implement an effective tool enabling the detection of welding imperfections.
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