Vibratory Stabilisation: Constant Development for Industrial Practice
A welding process leaves behind residual stresses in various areas of elements subjected to welding. Residual stresses affect such operational properties as dimensional accuracy and stability, brittle crack resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance etc. Vibratory stabilisation is a technological process which may lead to the obtainment of structural dimensional stability of similar efficiency as that of stress relief annealing. The attractiveness of vibratory stabilisation results from its low energy-consuming. The article presents a number of opinions concerning the efficiency of this process (including opinions of the authors, having dealt with this issue for many years). An important element of this publication is the presentation of the development of technological systems taking place at Instytut Spawalnictwa, e.g. system SW05A (currently produced and implemented in industry). The design of the above named system is based on the state-of-the-art systems of industrial electronics; dedicated software offers extensive customisation.
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