Braze Welding of Zinc-coated Steel Sheets Using Variable Polarity GMA Flux-cored Welding
The article presents the course and results of research aimed to determine the effect of the type of shielding gas on the shape of brazeweld, tensile strength and structure of braze welded joints made using Variable Polarity GMA, flux-cored consumable electrode and one of 3 types of shielding gas, i.e. Ar and Ar + 1% O2 and Ar + 18% CO2 mixtures. The study involved macro and microscopic examinations and tensile strength tests performed on overlay brazes and braze welded joints. The study-related tests have revealed that the use of mixtures containing active gases, especially CO2, increases the heat input of braze welding processes and provides greater wettability of sheets to be jointed. However, the use of the mixtures mentioned above also causes greater damage to sheet coatings in braze welding areas and in some cases can even lead to the partial melting of elements being joined, deteriorating the aesthetics of joints and reducing their tensile strength.
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