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Gas Pipeline Welding Procedure Qualification – Standards and Tests

Julia Silezin, Sławomir Parzych

The article describes the so-called combined welding technologies, marked as method “A” – 141/135, method“B” – 141/111 and method “C” – 141/136. In each of the methods, the root run (root layer) was obtained using method141, whereas the groove was filled using methods 135, 111 and 136. In respect of the welding technology qualificationprocess, the key issue was connected with finding an appropriate range of values for a heat input to each run, aimedto prevent dangerously high grain growth in the HAZ. The results of welded joint tests were fully consistent with thePN-EN ISO 15614-1 and PN-EN 12732 standards as well as Annex 5 to PI-ID-I03.

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