Terms of publishing in Materials Science and Welding Technologies
Materials Science and Welding Technologies Editorial (MS&WT) Board gives an opportunity to publish papers of scientific-technical nature on pages of our magazine. The offer is dedicated to technical workers and researchers, representing Polish and international welding sector. Publication of such papers is free of charge.
To initiate publishing procedure, electronic version of article should be sent to MS&WT Editorial Board, as well as a submitting form, which includes information about funding source, novelty level statement, declaration about research reliability in preparing the article, as well as an agreement to distribute the Work on the rights described below.
In case of positive result of reviewing procedure the article is accepted for publication. Therefore, as mentioned above, Autor is requested to assign a submitting form, which grants the Publisher a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to exercise the rights in the Work, based on Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License.
Accordig to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License, every User is allowed to use, distribute and publicly perform the Work, with restrictions stated below:
- Attribution - you must keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and provide name of the Original Author, as well as publishing entity (Materials Science and Welding Technologies, No./year);
- Non-commercial use - you may not exercise any of the rights granted above in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation;
- Any kind of commercial use requires separate arrangement with an Author, who remains copyright holder.
After releasing the article on pages of Bulletin of the Institute of Welding, Author is not bound in sharing the copyright with another subjects (publishing units etc.), if only information about primary publisher is placed in every following publication.
Furthermore, the Editorial Board gives an opportunity to publish papers of promotional nature in the traditional, paper version of MS&WT. The offer includes such materials as advertisements (full colour) or short information about new products in the chapter "New equipment and materials".