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Use and Environmental Impact of Substitute Fuels in the Iron Ore Sintering Process

Martyna Nowak

The aim of the article is to present the results of the conducted research considering the application of substitute fuels in the iron ore sintering process and determination of RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) potential as a substitute for part of the coke breeze in the sintering process. The tested substitute fuels were: biochars from sawmill sawdust, woodchips and sunflower husks, chars from waste car tires and “Blue Coal”. The results show, that there is a possibility to replace a part of the coke breeze in the sintering process with these substitute fuels. Thanks to the substitute fuels, it is possible to obtain higher production efficiency, better sinter strength and lower CO2 and SO2 emissions. The tests were performed in a unique semi-industrial installation to simulate the sintering processes equipped in an innovative exhaust gas neutralization system. The article also presents potential perspectives for Refuse Derived Fuels application in the sintering process. The metallurgical industry is constantly seeking for a new fuels, in order to meet the requirements of the European Green Deal in the field of circular economy and industry decarbonization.

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